
Existing and proposed facilities on the 46 acre Gundersen Lutheran Campus include the clinic, a parking ramp, motel, renal dialysis center, fitness center, assisted living complex and services support center. Davy Engineering developed a storm water master plan and designed storm water management facilities for the campus that address the new Phase II Storm Water Rule as well as Wisconsin Administrative Code NR 151 requirements for infiltrating storm water runoff and minimizing peak flows and suspended solids discharges from the site.

The integrated storm water management system includes low impact development practices such as grassed swales, biofiltration and infiltration areas and detention ponds all designed to comply with the new storm water regulations and performance standards. Since the campus is located adjacent to the La Crosse River wetland, it was important to design an environmentally sound storm water management system that accounted for the sensitivities of the wetland and the river.

The system is designed to reduce the peak runoff rate for a two year, 24-hour storm to predeveloped conditions. In addition, suspended solids discharged from the campus will be reduced by approximately 86 percent and at least 60 percent of the annual average runoff will be infiltrated on site. By utilizing low impact development techniques, Gundersen Lutheran realized significantly lower construction costs than those associated with conventional storm water management facilities. In addition, the water quality of the La Crosse River and wetland will be improved.